strength in numbers
The Best Rehabilitation Starts with a Correct Diagnosis and Testing
We believe best in class rehabilitation starts with a correct diagnosis and objective measures to identify weakness and build on strength. We use the latest techniques and technology to put you on the fast track to recovery. Our systematic approach to rehabilitation will create a system of checks and balances to seamlessly transition from limitations to maximizing your performance.

of rehab therapy
At Synergy, our integrated recovery programs multiply efforts to maximize performance. As a dedicated team, we combine the best in sports medicine specialties to enable you to progress quickly and seamlessly through the rehabilitation process. We aim to treat the initial injury by restoring function through objective measures. Then we dive deeper into why the injury occurred and change mechanics to prevent the injury’s recurrence.
Our process looks to restore function to all areas of the body, nerve, joint muscle and connective tissue.
We specialize in treating the following injures:
Low Back
Foot and Ankle
Our initial assessment will take strength and ROM measurements. We will use this data to guide our rehab process from start to finish. We will develop checks and balances to test and retest your progress. You will be given a specific program that addresses your initial injury, and we will develop a plan to prevent the injury from reoccurring. This will include hands-on treatment followed by a specific athletic therapy session.
It Starts with an Assessment
Spinal Manipulation
Spinal and joint manipulation is effective in resotring natural alignment to joints and muslces. Our goal is to reduce tension and increase range of motion. Spinal manipulation is believed to reduce tension on nerves and improve motor control.
Increases moblitiy
Reduces muscle tension
Restores natural joint function
Promotes relaxation
Manages pain
Improves signals from muscles to the central nervous sytem

MAnual Therapy
We have been trained in several manual therapy techniques that are designed to reduce tension, treat fascia and connective tissues. Our goal is to restore natural muscle function and decrease inflammation by stimulating the lymphatic system to remove waste.
Improve range of motion
Decrease joint and muscle soreness
Elongate tight tissue
Reduce trigger points
Increase circulation
Stimulate lymphatic flow
Active release of tight muscles
DRY Needling
Dry Needling (DN) is considered a highly skilled minimally invasive intervention that uses a thin filament needle to penetrate dysfunctional connective tissue. Dry needling is used as an extension of the fingers to treat the fascia, muscle, scar tissue, ligaments, tendons and bones.
Promotes the body's natural healing
Increase range of motion
Treatment of trigger points
Management of acute and chronic neuromuscular conditions
Reduce pain
Down regulate overactive tissues
Reduce inflammation

Cupping has been used for thousands of years to increase circulation and promote healing throughout the body. We have been trained in both dynamic and static cupping. Our methods reduce muscle tension and improve circulation. We use cupping to realign tissues and enhace cellular repair by stimulating new blood vessels and connectie tissue.
Promotes healing
Increases lymphatic drainage
Reduces muscle sorness
Promotes relaxation
Decreases trigger points
Graston Technique is a form of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM). This type of manual therapy uses stainless steel instruments to treat scar tissue and adhesions. With these instruments we can target soft tissue restrictions to improve mobility and decrease pain.
Reduces inflammation
Allows for faster recovery
Relieves chronic pain
Aids in breaking up adhesions
Used in conjunction with other manual therapy techniques to resotre natrual joint centration

BLOOD FLOW REstriction
Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) is a rehabilitation technique that uses a cuff to restrict blood flow to the upper or lower extremities. BFR units calibrate your blood pressure and safely restrict the amount of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. This forces the muscle cells to use all their reserves to perform exercise. BFR works by tricking the body into working harder than it actually is, allowing for more work at lower intensity.
Reduces stress on joints
Increased muscle mass with lighter weight
Forces body to use fast twitch muscles
Reduced inflammation
Increased hormones and growth factors that are released during a heavy workout
Corrective Exercise
Corrective exercise is key to restoring natural function and staying out of pain. Once the body learns a new range of motion it is imperative to teach the muscles to activate through that range.
Improves functional and athletic performance
Reduced risk of injury and stress
Corrects posture and body alignment
Improves strength and flexibility
Restores joint centration
Improves motor control and balance
Turns off overactive muscles
Activates dormant muscle groups

Myofascial Stretching (MFS) is used to restore and unwind tight tissues. Fascia is connective tissue that surrounds the muscles and is intertwined throughout the body. MFS is a great way to strengthen and improve posture. By following up with MFS, our patients immediately feel better after treatment and maximize their performance.
Improves performance and mobility
Decreases risk of injury and reduced pain
Enhances joint function and range of motion
Reduces muscle tension and inflammation
Increases circulation and muscle activation